Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mexico and No Mercy for Ice Cubes

There was a welcome gift in our room the first night in Mexico. I dutifully wrapped this in bubble wrap to bring home and we've never really figured out exactly what it is (the liquor; not the grapes!). But I also forgot it in my luggage. . . which was lost. .. and caused me great angst thinking that Customs Officials were coming for me, because when I was asked about liquor, I said "no." (Because I forgot, not because I'm inherently a felon.)

But there would have been liquor, (tequilla) if our adventure to Walmart in Mexico had worked out a little better. (That's a story for another day.)

We had two rooms in Mexico, and look at these two cuties we spotted from the balcony of our room:

And what's a post, without a video to make sense of the title? Here you see the intrepid hunter dog showing her prowess in the wilds of our living room, stalking a possible threat to humankind:


  1. OMG your new puppy is so cute I bet you just love her. Now that would be some really strong Tequilla if you had drank it.

  2. Oh my gosh your puppy is adorable!!

  3. Two cuties? I'm confused . . . but Ruby Baby sure is growing fast!

  4. BTW - I hope they found your luggage!

  5. That sweet puppy - ahhhhh - too cute!!!

  6. Your puppy is so cute! Love that video. :)

  7. Puppies and kittens - a little dose of either or both would make the world a happier place. Hope you get your luggage - preferably without a government agent accompanying it.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!