Friday, July 15, 2011

Ruby's Growing Up!

Have I mentioned lately how totally cute little Ruby is? Here are some late June photos of her. . . .

She's learned a new trick! It's called "Open the front door and greet people before Angela and Doug can find my leash!" Fortunately, the Schwan's man comes prepared with dog bisquits in his pocket for potential escapees. Smart man.----smart little dog, too.

She loves this turtle toy. It's legs, tail and head are all attached by elastic, with squeakers embedded in each section, so she can stretch it viciously and boss it around. Sadly, I'm going to have to sew parts of it back together already!

If you ever come meet Ruby, prepare to be her New Best Friend, because you will be at risk of being licked to death!


  1. I'd risk it! She is adorable!!!

  2. What a cutie! Her coat looks so soft, and is such a beautiful color.

  3. I am officially a lover of Ruby girl!!! She could like all she wants too....I'd kiss her back!!!

  4. She really has grown - but they go from zero to 60 in a heart beat. Ruby is beautiful, and I can imagine full of energy (to friends and new friends).

  5. Cuteness!! She is getting so big!!

  6. She really is adorable! She's beginning to lose that puppy look, though. She looks so grown!

  7. So, so, so cute! And she has gotten bigger!

  8. Oh, I would definitely love to come visit her. She is adorable. And Alex and Mallory would love it, too. They are still begging me for a dog. Haven't given in yet, but some days, I feel myself weakening!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!