Sunday, November 20, 2011

Me and Three Sibs

Life's been such a whirlwind! A vacation, a puppy, an anniversary, a wedding, and now, preparing for a large Christmas party and a grand-puppy!

But I miss posting on my blog!


  1. Very nice family shot - cameras and all. And now, pictures from the wedding please (and thank you). Your presence has been missed - but it sounds like it has been taken up with much more important things. Congratulations on your son's wedding, your anniversary, and grand-puppy.

  2. Glad to see you back!! We missed you!! Lovely photo of you and your siblings!

  3. We miss you too....glad you dropped in. How nice to see you with the sibs. Looking forward to seeing more whenever you can post. I figure the cold weather will soon drive you to the computer for solace.

  4. Shots with the siblings. Always love those! I have missed your blog posts, also! In fact, I just checked in on your blog yesterday to see if you had posted. And then today you did! Yay!!!

  5. This is such a great picture! Let's hope we can get together again soon!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!