Monday, January 30, 2012


This bunch of floral fakery is a leftover from Christmas. But a few years ago, I decided that I liked the gold leaves and jeweltones. . . . and want to see them all year round, so I keep them out

Someone once asked me, when I said I was remodeling my kitchen, what the "theme" was. Ha! With me, it's rare that any room would have a theme, other than "I like it."

Except our bathroom. In 2004, my family got to go to France. So there are several nods to France in my bathroom. (That sounds weird, doesn't it. It will have to be a set of shots another day.)


  1. I did the same thing with jewel toned berries one year and wrapped them around the dinning room chandelier. Still there (pain in the butt to dust - but still there). Hey, who says it has to be limited to one holiday right!?!

  2. So great when we can use decoration for more than a few months!!

  3. I'm with you--themes are highly overrated. Keep with what makes you happy!

  4. Very pretty! And I'd love to see your bathroom to?!

  5. I like those colors and also for use in addition to Christmas. I like the glitter too.

  6. I say if you can extended the life of the decorations, more power to you! :)

  7. I don't usually like rooms done in a theme, although a theme party can be fun! And a theme done correctly is so broad as to include a great many possibilities. I also agree with you about color. We need to surround ourselves with the colors that speak to us and make us happy. Those jewel tones look wonderful! Enjoy!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!