Tuesday, April 10, 2012

When Zebras Attack Poinsettas

I already did one Tutorial Tuesday: Double Exposure play, but then, I noticed that my poinsetta was infected with zebras! So, what could I do, but post another image?

The afflicted poinsetta:

Before the infestation:

The source of the zebras: Animal Kingdom Lodge (or are they really native to North Dakota poinsettas?)

Tutorial Tuesday


  1. I saw where Ashley Sisk was doing this as well and I have to confess every time I think of double exposure, I think of the image of Will Farrel in his '70s portrait - ugh! Now your zebras, on the other hand, are quite cute.

    Regarding my dandelion seedlings - believe it or not - that was natural dew. It struck me as looking frosted as well.

  2. LOL - you are too funny! Love the zebras!

  3. I love the zebras! Your picture is so creative.

  4. hahahahahaha that's pretty creative.

  5. Ha ha. So funny!!! Great job!

  6. too funny, Well done, cheers


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!