Saturday, May 12, 2012

6 Versions of Dianna in a Boat in the Everglades

I played with editing this photo. First, I tried a bleached-sunny look, following instructions I found on a site on the web. I don't particularly like this one:

Hmmmm . . . I like this one a tad more. After my usual raw edit, I changed this to Lab mode, boosted the color and lightness, then switched back to RGB, and added some more editing with Rad Lab.

Next, I just used an action called "Booster Baby."

Next, I dusted off an old action, Color Wash, and I liked this effect. If you're like me, you have a good stash of actions that just sit unused, moping and struggling with abandonment issues, in Photoshop.

This one was done in Rad Lab only, just brightening and adding some saturation:

And then for the simplest edit of all, just some edits in Raw:

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--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!