Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Birds, Hard at Work in the Everglades

These birds were not on vacation.

This one was busy keeping a close watch on us.

This one was on nest duty:

And this bird plucked dinner out of the waters. . .

. . . and then sat and considered how to prepare dinner. Saute or baked? Or just gobble it down whole?


  1. Wow, incredible photos! Great clarity and focus! What lens were you using?? I'm so jealous. I can't wait to see more from your trip!!

  2. Hi Esther. I was using the 70-300mm Nikon lens at 300 mm. I shot in raw, ISO 400, f/8, 1/800. It was about 4pm, so it was still I bright day, so with a tripod and somewhat high ISO, I could go to such a shutter speed to help get clarity.

  3. Wow wow wow!!! LOVE these--great focus and clarity. Good for you for lugging a tripod, too!

  4. Love the nest duty shot! I think that one is warning you to stay back :)

  5. Very pretty images, I love the texture of each feather! Great job!

  6. Magnifiche immagini !!!
    Buona domenica
    Myriam :))


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!