Friday, January 18, 2008

Day 19: POTD

Before-- A Rushing River Scene frozen by shutter speed 1/160:

Well, ok, not really. Frozen by the -32 degree windchill! And this made me so stubborn that I went outside anyway and got a picture. Rapidly. Manual mode, ISO 200, exp 1/160; using a 18-135 mm lens at 58 mm; f/13; temperature before windchill -15; wb sunny.


Just minimal levels adjustment, a little saturation, and a frame.

Before--A picture outside of my window:

Through my office window, at night. Manual mode, 18-135mm lens at 75 mm; wb shade; ISO 800.


Levels adjusted slightly, Slight bit of saturation; Used Ren's defogging; Unsharp mask; Ren's simple vignette; a little bit of spot healing to try to get rid of some of the window reflection. Thanks for looking! CC most welcome.


  1. And to think you are only taking the intermediate class!!! all of your los are incredible! You should be teaching us also!

  2. These are wonderful.

  3. Really cool. I like the chill I get while looking at these.

  4. Oh my--I shuddered just reading your temps and windchill!! Kudos for the river shot.

  5. BRRR. That first one is great. I love the composition and the brightness of it. Love the view from your window, too!

  6. The window photo is very cool. The outdoors shot is beautiful, but i wouldn't have gone out to get it! hehe It's colder than a witch's tata here too.

  7. Cool, you are taking pictures at work! lol. My kind of gal. TOni

  8. Love your photos, especially the one of the bridge & the snow. Isn't it amazing how the saturation levels can enhance a photo? Thanks for showing the befores & afters; really helps to see the differences like that. Great job!

  9. Angela,

    I'm a lunatic fan of your work!

  10. WOW, that first photo needs to be in a frame, beautiful!!

  11. Great pictures! Love the one from the frozen river! Beautiful!

  12. Great photos, before and after editing!

  13. Wow I can't believe it's that cold. I am so sorry. It's cold here and I like winter a lot. But we don't get that cold. Great shot of the bridge.

  14. These are beautiful, love what you did with them!

  15. These are just fun to look at. cool!

  16. Wow that is so awesome. Both of the PP's and the Sooc's are great!

    I really love the bridge wonderful and has a great feel. (Although cold) Hehe

  17. Brrrrrr....that bridge one makes me feel cold just looking at it!

    I am so enjoying your blog, even if I don't truly understand all the photo lingo. I DO understand that you take some awesome photos and create magical layouts.

    Thanks for sharing and I do hope you warm up soon!

  18. That is a beautiful bridge photo, you brave, brave woman!

  19. Don't you feel just a little proud/boastful getting to post those temps? We NDakotans sure are TOUGH! Great shots. You have a beautiful view from your window!!!

  20. I love the crispness of the first set and the vignette on the second picture is great!

  21. These look great!... and very cold! Hope you're staying warm with all that snow and ice!

  22. i love your pping on these! the river makes me feel the cold looking at it and your cityscape is glowing. nice job.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!