To answer a question from Becky, these photos were shot through the window of a piece of art at the Museum. I'll post the whole "structure" later today.
Silky and smooth, bitter and sweet,
I love to nibble at your feet,
The lines and contours of your ears,
My tongue has traced oe’r the years
With lips I’ll devour on the hour,
And thighs to sate my late night taste,
You’re my treat, you’re my honey,
You’re my discounted Easter Bunny.
Chocolate Cheeks, Dark and deep,
Cause my hungry heart to leap,
Hard candy eyes, soft cocoa bands,
Melt in my mouth, and melt in my hands,
50 cents on the dollar,
Doesn’t make you any smaller,
You’re my sweet, you’re my honey,
You’re my discounted Easter Bunny,
A little crunchy, a little stale,
Some chocolate dust has left you pale,
A hollow frame hides a hollow soul,
Chomps and bites have taken their toll,
But when I eat you up, don’t fear,
You’ll live fore’er in my tummy here,
You’re my treat, you’re my honey,
You’re my discounted Easter Bunny
I call it “Ode to a Discounted Easter Bunny”
Not only is the flower lovely, the plant is incredibly hardy: it really does grow in Siberia. It is also one of the very best bulb plants for naturalizing (i.e. it will not only come back year after year, it will gradually increase and multiply). Also, it's very cheap to buy. How can you lose? Get some!"
Siberian. That makes sense. No wonder it grows in North Dakota!
Have a great weekend, everyone!