Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day 115: On the road from ND to MO

All I got, a few photos, out the front of my car window, while driving from ND to Missouri, a few weeks ago. We went to my son's school for "Mother's Weekend." This first one is an ugly casino in a desolate spot, and UNLIKE OTHERS WHOSE NAMES I WILL NOT MENTION, I didn't sneak into the bathroom to get renegade photos!

Water reflected. Blurry. . . can't get much at 75 mph.


No cute kids nearby so I can take their photos to be on theme this week :( .


  1. That fact that you even try to take photos at 75 mph impresses me.

  2. You could have waited till you passed a car w/

  3. Hee hee hee! We've all been there, no not ND, but trapped in the car with nothing to shoot. I'm impressed at the clarity of the trees, if you were on the freeway!!!

  4. You crack me up. Way to go taking pics at 75mph, you're quite the renegade.

  5. 75 mph....WOW girl. Now that is skill. I love the truck.

  6. COOL CASINO!!! And I have NO IDEA what you're talking about with this "someone" and "renegade photos"... snort. :p

  7. I'm always impressed when you do this--I get nothing but blur when I try to take photos from a moving vehicle.

  8. Love the picute of that truck...though it scares me to be close to trucks carrying loads.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!