Thursday, April 24, 2008

Day 116: Soul Communications & Wisdom Prophecy Convergence

Oh woeful day! Apparently, I missed a conference last week in the other city along North Dakota's Red River. I missed the Atlantean Workshops where I could have discovered how to communicate with souls and ghosts, discover why Archangels are visible, and get Personal Messages.

So I took this photo to mark this omission on my part. And I just want to say to the neighbor across the street that it really IS ok to let kids come over to my house on Halloween to trick-or-treat, and I really do have much better pajamas than this. Somewhere.

And in honor of that person who shall remain nameless to protect her anonymity (yesterday's post), who snuck into a casino to take bathroom pictures, but whose initials are JESSICA BELL, I used this photo to play with her beautiful actions (shown here, bronzed action for PSE with a pattern overlay).


  1. I wish you were my neighbor! :D

  2. Dang! I thought I had that on my calendar! How did I miss???

  3. HaHaHa you crack me up. I am at my sisters house using her computer and LOL and everyone is freaking out on me.

  4. ROFL! Too bad you missed that. :p

    Those initials sound awfully familiar.... like I really should know who you are talking about...

    (off to search for more illegal bathrooms to photograph!)


  5. Wow - we could have gone together. We definitely both missed out. Could have been a terrific photography excursion! :)

  6. Darn, I can't believe you missed that!!! The pp'ing looks great though! :)

  7. That is kinda creepy, but cool! My mom has a phobia of dolls (seriously) and as a kid I used to pull the limbs and heads off and bring them to her to put back on...hows that for sick?! LOL. That doll reminded me of her (in a good way!) :)


  8. That's kind of creepy. And I mean that in a good way. :-D

  9. You're so funny - I just love you.

    Great photo.

  10. I love the added texture!! Yeah um who takes pictures in the bathroom anyway? LOL!

  11. i'd tslr you as my neighbor anyday! you crack me up!

  12. LOL,, great capture/post :).


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!