Sunday, September 7, 2008

Day 252: Reckless Driving but Good Gas Mileage

The theme this week is vehicles, and the driver of this one is a maniac. Bet he gets good gas mileage anyway.

. . . .since the car is only about 12" big.

I wonder if little cars like this still have to have auto insurance?????


  1. Had a look at your pages, and enjoyed the pictues! Thanks!

  2. I think you might be OK as long you don't go on any public streets. ;)

    Nice captures!

  3. ROFL!!! I was totally fooled, I really thought it was a real monster truck in the first shot! What awesome action shots... not such a good driver though. LOL.

  4. LOL my kids would have fun with this thing

  5. Looks like fun! Hey the little Geico gekko could probably fit in there! Then it'd be covered for insurance. LOL

    Great shots. Ü

  6. Ha! I once had a grown man get one of those all tangled up in my shopping cart. I also like your demonstration of shutter speed with the flame. I never thought to try that one.

  7. I loe the smoke/dusst in these pictures!! It really gives that feeling of movement...this reminds me of how I drive my car-I kid!

  8. Too funny, LOVE your great shots of this truck! Amy

  9. He he Great shots. Love the smoke and dirt flying too.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!