Any CC on the processing? f/4.0 ~ 1/40; ISO 400; manual, raw, hand-held, using SB800 flash in TTL BL mode, custom white balance; 28-75mm @ 31 mm.
I opened it in ACR, increased "black" slightly, increased "fill light", decreased contrast to 0, increased clarity to 2, vibrance to 35, and then detail 40, masking 40, noise reduction color 25 and luminance 28.
Then in Photoshop (CS3), I spot healed, and then I color balanced by using image>adjust> levels>blue channel--.90 input; Image>adjust>hue/saturation-red channel, saturation -7; I adjusted curves to brighten and increase contrast; adjustment layer increased saturation +10; adjustment layer contrast +10; curves increased midtones and used luminosity mode on the layer; used an eye action; smoothed skin with a gaussian blur; used burn tool on hair (Dianna's) and lips; used a sharpening action; sized and saved for web.
No way would I do this on every photo, but am just trying to learn strategies that would give good skin tones at this point. (and learn my flash!) Any thoughts on all this? Especially, does the skin look too red? I wonder if I should reduce the red channel further? What is your usual processing approach?
Skin tones, especially indoors, are a serious challenge for me, so I'm no help. I'm enjoying seeing your kids though!
I'm no help with the skin color:( The sharpness is great though and they look like a lot of fun to shoot!
I shoot in raw and end up adding a lot of blue to even things out.
Good shots. :)
The skin tones look ok on my monitor, but I notice they are quite close in shade to the wall color (is that true in real life?) And I got such a giggle out of your post title ;)
Can't help you on the processing. It's fun seeing your kids. I got a chuckle out of the way the bird in the picture on the wall seems to be perched on your DD's head...
Your skin tones do look a little red to me, I would push the red channel a little bit further. I see you are using a custom wb, which is what I always do indoors because it's pretty tricky!
I feel your pain, sister! Skin tones are tough!!!
Nice shot of the kids. Are they tired of you taking thier picture? Nice to see them home on holiday. I am not help on the ps questions I just think it looks nice.
I think the girl has some red-ish areas on her face, but my monitor is not calibrated, so take that with a grain of salt. Your comment make my laugh!
You know...this looks like a major low light situation and I always have yellowish skin tones even with custom white balance. You did a great, great job.
Sorry, can't help with any processing advice or comments, but can say that I like the photo a lot as it is!
i think it looks good. i am trying to learn my flash better too so i stop missing those flash filled moments! thanks for remembering me!!!!!
ROFL! I get the "grumble" a LOT lately too! Your skin tones don't look too far off to me, maybe just a TAD red and a teensy bit yellow too? It is HARD to get good skintones indoors with flash (for me anyway) especially when the other light sources are tungsten. Ugh.
I struggle with skin tones... especially when using my flash indoors. But, I will say that the picture looks a little on the warm side to me. Not too bad, though.
I think that these look good. It is so hard to get the right color inside. I think that you did a good job!!!
Love the picture of the kids!
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