Thursday, February 26, 2009

Angela and Her New Purchase

aka: ShamWow Bliss!

Isn't this exciting! How did all of you not guess this? I was so excited when the UPS man came yesterday, I practically tackled him in the driveway (but Bonnie beat me to it. Sorry about that leg; I hear they work wonders with prosthetics these days.)

I know; I know. . .you're all thinking that this was kind of reckless, and foolish, what with the economy and all. (And besides, what the heck exactly do you really do with a ShamWow?) But you've all seen Vince, right? On the late night infomercials? Who could resist the sheer magnetism of ShamWow and Vince?
My husband is so jealous of this new love and passion in my life. But he had his chance. Was he increasing his attentiveness, and showering me with gifts, (this week, maybe a new camera lens; you know, because of the cataract thing, before I go completely blind, and have to operate my camera by braille)? No, not really. So when ShamWow! appeared on the scene, could you blame me for wanting to cuddle up with this, and dancing for joy?

By the way, there is one Fly in the Ointment, so to speak. It's come to my attention that there's a ShamWow! detractor running about, exercising his freedoms and liberties. Check out his link here, but trust me, it's just sacrilegious: Shameless ShamWow! Detractor
I'm thinking he's become so. . . damaged. . . and distorted in his thinking because of his toddler's pathological use of his credit card: Wild Child


  1. This is so funny because just this afternoon I was having a conversation with Liz (APeaCalledLiz) on Facebook about the ShamWow and ended up popping a couple of ShamWows in the mail for her! Our conversation evolved from a photo I posted of the new Snuggie I just got Delaney. :-D
    You should join Facebook, Angela!

  2. HA! That's a riot! I personally have never used ShamWow and am living in the shadows of a very hollow existence, apparently. Maybe I'll just stalk your blog and live vicariously through you? :D


  3. OMG you are hilarious. They sell shamwows here at a stripmall. My ds#6 is ocd, everything literally has to be clean, germ free, no dirt on the bottom of his shoes(really) or we have a major freak out moment. Anyway he would walk by the Shamwow guy just to get the samples. One day he bought one and he like you is totally in love with it and with everything it can do. When our house flooded this summer he pulled out his shamwow to see if it would work, when the water rose over 2ft he figured it wouldn't work.

  4. Holy moley, this is hilarious! I keep telling my husband I want a ShamWow, too! I don't think he believes me!

  5. Okay my husband is a closet ShamWow fan and he stalks the guy from the infommercial. I think he channel surfs just to be able to see him... ;) So this post made me giggle!

  6. This is hilarious! I haven't used a ShamWow, do they really work?

  7. I love the second pic, you look like you are dancing for joy!

  8. LOL youre too funny! but you know what i saw some at walmart and i thought about picking one up too, so let me know if its worth it.

  9. You are too funny Angela!! And me that thought you were getting a new lens!! ;)

  10. LOL, I haven;t got a clue what a Shamwow is, but apparently it's pretty darned cool :)

  11. YAY! This is too funny. You'll have to keep us posted on how it works.

  12. I've never heard of this before but I am so pleased that seh looks so pleased with it! enjoy!

  13. OH MY GOD...this is awesome. I love your photos so much...especially that last one! HAHAHAHA...

    I am an infomertial addict. I never actually BUY anything on an informertial (actually I think I did the Firm one but that is it), but I just LOVE watching them. I don't know what it is. They just scream a weird kind of hope for me. I am so glad to know that they work because I have been curious.

    Thanks for bringing a smile to my face this morning!

  14. OMG, this is funny!!!! I LOVE infomercials, and I've had my eye on the ShamWow for a while!!! The last thing I got from an infomercial is the "GT Express", the 2 sided cooker, that you can make ANYTHING in! Love it!!!!

  15. Angela, you are a hoot! But I noticed you didn't mention anything about at least one other product he shows...the slap chopper! OMG I giggle every time I see that one.

    So very funny and you know, you DO have to share if it actually works! I can see it now...ShamWows sold out every where because Angela says it works!!!

  16. OMG, thank goodness I didn't have a drink in my mouth! You are such a hoot! I actually saw the ShamWow's at Wal-Mart yesterday and seriously considered buying one. I vaguely remember my mom buying something similar when I was a kid too- and that sucker absorbed EVERYTHING! I think I need one. No, I KNOW I need one. ;)

  17. And ps- I'm pretty sure when I make my ShamWow purchase, a box of Mighty Putty will make it's way into my cart along with a PedEgg. Darn those infomercials!

  18. I love my ShamWow!! Congratulations! Isn't it nice when little things can make us so happy?

  19. Oh you are funny! I might have to get one but I just have one question, will I love this *more* than my Mr. Clean sponge???

  20. These shots are so funny! Although, I have no clue what a ShamWow is, never heard of it, do I need one??? :)

  21. That is hilarious. Love the journalign. Everytime I see those commercials I bust out laughing.

  22. ROTFL - I've always wanted one - and the salesman is soo convincing. Your right - we all want one but are too self-conscious; as Wendy put it, I guess we'll have to live vicariously through you. Enjoy it!

  23. LOL!! I have seen the ShamWow infomercial and DD always wants to buy one! You are too funny!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!