Saturday, February 28, 2009

Two Versions of these Two Sweeties . . .

Just thought I'd edit this picture a little, changing the white balance and adjusting skin tones. I'm not sure whether I like the first SOOC , or the 2nd edited version better. . .


  1. I love the expressions in this picture - they look so happy and carefree. Great perspective, too!

  2. What a neat POV in this shot, Angela. Love it (and love picturing the position you must've been in to get it).

    Am waiting for a report on the Sham Wow. Must say I loved that post and the accompanying blissful photos.

  3. I actually like the sooc better because it almost looks like a vintagey action was applied. Could save you a ton of time in ps! ;)

  4. such a fun shot. they are lovely girls. I like the warmth of the first one better. if you did the adjustment in curves you could play with the opacity.

  5. love this fun photo! I too like the SOOC shot.

  6. I prefer the first photo. Looks warmer and more natural to me. But then, I'm one who posts nearly all of her pictures sooc! So, I guess listening to me is silly.

    I think the photo is great, great subjects, great angle and lovely smiles!

  7. I love the angle you took it at. What a fun picture.

  8. I love your PPing on the second shot! and such a great shot of the girls

  9. Such a fun perspective. I like both versions.

  10. Great shot - captures the friendship they share! And can't decide which one I like the best!! ;)

  11. I like the one on top with the yellow tint. I like how the more natural tones contrast with the unusual angle.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!