Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu and Piggy Banks and the Psychology of Twitter

When life hands you Swine Flu. . .

. . . turn it into a Piggy Bank and fill it with quarters!

Yeah, that was lame! But I don't think this video is! This is from Psychology Today, and raises some of those burning life questions. . . like, "If I Tweet, therefore I am?"


  1. Cute pig! (bad joke ;)

    I've seen that video, cute.

  2. Cute piggybank! I have succumbed to Facebook, but I won't do Twitter. I already have a tendency to bore people with all the minute details of my life; I don't need any more encouragement. :-D

  3. LOL! I LOVE your pic...and your joke too!

  4. As a joke, a co-worker changed the screen saver on my office computer and wrote "I type, therefore I am." I've had it for several years. Maybe I need to update it . . . NOT! I agree with Becky.

  5. Cute pig! I try to Twitter, but I can't seem to remember to update (I suck at fb, too, though). Plus calling the updates "tweets" just gets on my nerves...

  6. Very funny! People came into ER all day thinking they had swine flu :(

  7. LOL - cute piggy!! And that video is FUNNY!!

  8. ROFL! And I love that video... so funny (and scarily true in parts!)

  9. Ive never twittered yet lol! Cute piggy!

  10. I love that video - too funny. Swine flu pig - just follow Ms. Bonnie's directions to wash after inserting change!

  11. Funny picture! And hilarious video.... too many truths here....

  12. What a cute little piggie! I actually like Twitter better than FB. That video was so funny! :)


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!