Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Water is a good servant, but it is a cruel master.
John Bullein, 1562

The dikes protected Grand Forks this year, but when it comes to the Red River we have no illusions about who is the master! And it's so nice, each year, to leave April behind us!

ISO 400
70 mm
Manual; Raw
edited in LAB; I'm really liking LAB mode for editing landscape scenes!

Twitter! It really isn't what I thought. I didn't expect it to be a way to cull information, like about genuine medical/mental health topics: and

or that it would result in an email saying that "Lost Zombie is now following you." (This sounds much more ominous than it is, and actually involves a collaborative writing/scrapbooking project creating a scrapbook on the timeline of a superflu/zombie (fictitious) event.


  1. Just gorgeous, Angela! I'm going to check out this LAB editing you've been using.....

  2. Very cool!

    I have my tweets protected so I don't get the spambots following me.

  3. Great quote! And fantastic image!

  4. Wow!
    I love this shot and now I want to read up on lab processing.

    Laurie (laulley)

  5. I love this--the light is so beautiful!

  6. That is simply gorgeous. Wonderful capture

  7. The color is so gorgeous here. I have been thinking of trying twitter but I don't really know if I can add something else into my cyberworld lol.

  8. Oh WOW! I literally said "WOW" when I opened up your page and saw this gorgeous shot!

  9. Gorgeous I am so in awe of this photo. It seems so luminous, yet spooky at the same time. It is definitely an emotion evoking picture.

  10. I love the layering shades of the sky and the reflections in the river captured by this shot. I grew up across the road from a river and was taught at an early age to respect it (and, as with many of life's lessons, I pushed the boundaries a couple of times.) Great quote and excellent photo.

  11.! What a fantastic photo to end the month and the perfect quote. So true, so true.

    You are one terrific photographer and journaler...

  12. Just saw your comment on my blog- thank you darling! :-) I am almost ashamed to tell you my "secret" though... because all I've been doing is running my light & dark action and selectively lighening and darkening parts, then I've just been boosting the contrast a good bit (like +30 or 40!). That is all! *blush*

  13. This is beautiful, I love the lighting! :)


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!