Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fainting Chair in The Carriage House

What's a Bed & Breakfast without a fainting chair? You know, for when you've just gotta faint.

And look! It works!

Didn't Edward Gorey feature lots of Fainting Chairs and Fainting Women in his ink drawings?

This was the little hallway in our room that led to the fainting chair, stove, and jacuzzi.


  1. Thank you for the demonstration of how to gracefully arrange yourself of one of those chairs. Of course, when you think of the layers of clothes that women wore in that era, who could tell if they were even ON the chair?

  2. Good thing you didn't faint a little more to your left. Clonk your head on that stove and you would definitely be out for the count. ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Love it! Looks like a fun trip.

  5. Where are the smelling salts?

  6. I didn't know they were called fainting chairs. but now it all comes together - especially with your nice little demo here! Great shots!

  7. It looks like the chair you are sitting in, the fainting chair, is not in the photo at the bottom. The furniture has been re-arranged or am I missing something?

  8. You are just too funny! Thanks for the demo on how to elegantly faint. I'll try to remember that the next time I faint.

    Looks like this B&B is as beautiful inside as it is outside!

  9. What a beautiful room!! Didn't know it was called a fainting chair!! LOL!

  10. so pretty, love your fainting recreation!!

  11. Such an interesting chair. Glad you gave us a demo.

  12. I love the crop and the comp of the first one-excellent capture. And what a gorgeous B&B! I feel the need for a vacation coming on...

  13. Doesn't everyone pass out? I mean I do all the time. I thought that is just what women did. (not). I think these are a riot. I love the charm of this place...and the one of you passing out on the sofa.

  14. The perspective on your first shot made me dizzy and I wanted to faint! But I don't get to faint into one of those nice chairs.....
    Great captures and a very cool B&B.

  15. This is so quaint and adorable. I think I need to invest in a fainting chair just cause they look so pretty.

  16. Love the fainting chair, but your demonstration is really the best part of your post! Too fun!

  17. OMG - would you look at all the floral wall papers (plural!) furniture, rug. There is a reason for the fainting chair my darling - I'm just surprised your husband didn't beat you to it.

  18. I love the one of you fainting...good think your dh knows that you have to photograph before assisting! LOL! :)


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!