This is a thistle feeder. . . and it's been attracting little gold finches to our yard. (Nice little finches; not murderous Cedar Waxwings with rage in their hearts (and beaks.) By the way, last weekend a flock of 25 to 30 Cedar Waxwings sauntered into my friend, Sheila's, backyard. And one flew at and into her window! I'm prepared to whisk her to a safe-house if necessary.

Feeding the bird should not be confused with flipping the bird. For the first time in my life, I "flipped the bird"! It was just one of those things. My husband and I were driving down the street, competently, I might add. And some wild ones decided to swoop in front of us, and the passenger gave us the finger. We were baffled as to the reason, and why oh why didn't I pull out my camera and snap a shot? But I did manage to return the gesture in (un)kind. We felt like we had suddenly been dumped into a certain class of drivers poking along at tractor speed. . . but we weren't. Odd how sometimes drivers have this sense of "violated rights" once they get behind the wheel.
I hate when I start mumbling or shouting at stupid drivers. It never helps, they are still stupid. ;)
I hate it when I am the recipient of the One Finger Salute. I always tell myself they are showing me their IQ.
Your posts are so funny! Sometimes "the bird" is the only way to get your point across.
I hate drivers like that! Nice shot here!
YOu are too funny!! Love the new bird feeder!
What a funny post. But then, you DO have a great sense of humor. The new feeder looks great~hope to see a shot sometime of some birds (but not those nasty ones) using it. *Ü*
Goodness, you hit the nail on the head on your bird flipping comments!
ROFL! You crack me up... I tell ya, I don't know what gets into people when they get behind the wheel. Scary.
Love the title of your post! Talk about bating your audience.
Nice experiment with flipping the bird, but it won't stick. Unfortunately, to pacifists like us, it's largely unsatisfying. And I'm speaking from experience. :-)
Can't wait to see some of those finches! Sounds like you all had some not-so-nice people in front of you.
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