Thursday, February 18, 2010

Frosty Winter Surprise

Winter still has some surprises in store for us! I practically hyperventilated when I saw this this am:

I had to leave half an hour early for work so I could wander around in the snow first and photograph these:

And then, how was I suppose to get any work done when I could see this out my window??????

None of these were black and white photographs, by the way; it was Mother Nature's conversion, not photoshop's.


  1. Oh, lovely hoar frost!! We've had our share here and it is so beautiful! Great pictures, Angela.

  2. I am hyperventilating, just LOOKING at those shots! Oh, you lucky lucky snowbound northerner!! (I know, I am a sicko) I would love love some heavy hoarfrost like that--those are jealousy-inducing shots, especially the 3rd one with the weeds in the foreground. I won't tell you what our unseasonable weather was today. You'll only want to shoot me.

  3. The photos are really beautiful so I guess it was worth it stomping around in the stuff!

  4. Very pretty. Easy for me to say when I am not there feeling the cold.

  5. Gorgeous frost and that 2nd shot is stunning. I guess there is an up side to all this winter nonsense.

  6. Wow the view out your window is so pretty! And I'm so glad you left early to work to get those gorgeous shots! Love them!

  7. Stunning photos! And it takes just the right weather combo to really get the trees fully coated like that so lucky you caught it. I've had the same experience with winter landscape photos appearing largely black & white straight out of the camera. Cool huh?

  8. What a view!! I am glad you left early to get these beautiful shots!!

  9. How beautiful! I'm glad you were able to get out there and capture the scenes. Amazing!

  10. Nice view from your work! I have my own office, in the middle of the building - no windows :(

  11. Oh as much as I hate snow these days I love how pretty it makes everything look. BTW our temps have been tropical compared to yours we hit 32 yesterday. Alas it wont last we are awaiting yet another snow storm.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!