Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010 and Pandemic!

I love this game, and of course, these people! And what a way to spend Christmas eve and Christmas night!

Our tradition is that on Christmas eve we get to open ONE present each, and usually direct each other to something we can share together. That often means a game of some sort.

This year, I opened "Pandemic" a board game by Z-Man Games. This is how it's described, "You are specialists at the CDC/Atlanta where you watch several virulent diseases break out simultaneously all over the world. The team mission is to prevent a worldwide pandemic outbreak, treating hot spots while researching cures for each of the four plagues before they get out of hand."

This particular game has a common goal, rather than individual competiveness; you have to develop a strategy of containment and eradication, together. This is about as opposite as you can get from a game of Monopoly or Risk, and I love how the dynamics elicited are so much more. . . well, cooperative!

The first night, we all died, and the world was wiped out. It actually was quite discouraging. . . .

But Christmas night, we triumphed and saved the world!


  1. Yes, but was it fun? When I was taking Organizational Behavior classes they were forever giving us group assignments like this to illustrate how the combined intelligence of the group was better at problem-solving than a single individual . . . but I always scored higher alone than in the group . . . and I never had any fun at these exercises . . .

  2. I love this time of year for this very reason, we get together and play games and eat and laugh and have a good time. Looks like you were successful at all of those things! I've never heard of the game before, but if it's good enough to play two nights in a row, it must be good! :)

  3. I just clicked on your blog again by accident and just noticed how nice your tree looks in the background on the second photo. Your Living Room looks magical!

  4. It is so nice you can all be together and play games and have fun.

  5. Thank you for saving the world! I owe ya one ;)

  6. LOL - Glad you saved the world!! What a great tradition - gotta find me a game the whole family can play!!

  7. That is a neat tradition and the game sounds - well, antiseptically. Guess my kids aren't at that level yet (ok, they probably are - but I'm still entertained by Shoots & Ladders). Doug clearly was into the game - your son,on the other hand, sorta had the same expression both ways.

    By the way, your tree and other decorations look lovely.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!