Sunday, December 26, 2010

Every Family's Got a Risk Taker

Here's ours:

Fortunately, Santa came anyway!


  1. So, was it the risk taker that wrote that in the snow? The same one we saw jump off a cliff?

  2. Why would he do this??? Are his siblings still speaking to him? Was he afraid of Doug-the-Reindeer wanting to join Santa's posse? Did he not want to share the homemade biscotti? Was he afraid of Santa's true face being revealed on a posting in this blog? Inquiring minds want to know . . .

  3. I am seriously LOL. The temptation to hide gifts would have gotten the better of me had one of mine done this. Maria's post cracks me up too - inquiring minds do what to know. hehehe!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!