Friday, January 21, 2011

Because It's True

I don't care if this is "unprofessional" but I think this is a very appropriate screensaver about now. And it's true.

I posted this photo last year, but thought it really deserved to resurface.

I don't often stop at Starbucks on my way to work, but I thought today should be an exception. Because I'm desperate.

Here's my approach to the window:

And now, I prepare to roll down my window. I don't want to. Starbucks Coffee is no consolation for frickin' 40 below:


  1. In temps that low you deserve a Starbucks! It's been warmer here this week. It got cold last night though and I had to add a 2nd quilt to my bed.

  2. Goggles are in order - and I would probably bath in Starbucks. I like the hearts - nice way to let winter know what you think of it - but with love. :)

  3. So true. Great post. I HATE cold weather. Hate hate hate it!
    I think - fingers crossed - that the worst is over for us in England. It has been ALOT warmer lately, which is rare.
    I agree with Nicki, take goggles! I remember when I went hiking in Wales with my school, I wore so many layers, I looked bigger than the Michelin man but I was warm!

  4. And I've been whining because it has been in the 20-30's in North Georgia! Gracious! Stay warm. I'll drink some hot tea for you. ;-)

  5. That is a very cute scarf! I wish you didn't need it!

  6. Oh very pretty! And funny on the hearts - definitely worth ditching the professionalism! :-)

  7. Wow. That is so incredibly cold. I love the conversation hearts! And you sure looked bundled up! :)

  8. I love the picture with the scarf around your face. I am sorry it's so cold.

  9. LOVE the conversation hearts, I echo those sentiments and I live in North Carolina, can't begin to imagine your kind of cold!!!

  10. Wow that's cold! Just stopping by from Houston where it is in the 30's today and 1-3 inches of snow coming Friday. They are closing most schools, businesses, events, etc... already and the snow hasn't even started yet! And look at you - -40 and driving around going to Starbucks! Our skin is very thin down here... (-: Happy February!

  11. Went throught your blog, looks like you are into photography a lot...nice one. I liked snow covered tress. They look beautiful
    blogger -


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!