Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ever Wonder What it Sounds Like at -40 degrees

Well, at 40 below windchill (-23 without windchill), it sounds crunchy. There's not much noise otherwise outside, definitely no chit-chat of gathering neighbors. But the tires of cars and trucks, and footsteps, make a distinct "crunch" sound when it's this cold. It's a strange signature of this temperature; sound breaks sharper and echoes as you walk across the snow---crunch . . . ~ . . . crunch. . . ~ . . . crunch. Mostly, I try to walk very fast, when it's like this, so it's a little more like crunch!crunch!crunch!

This is the same photo, only without noise reduction applied. It's equally cold.

Our newscaster just said there's a possibility that it will be 30 to 40 below tonight without windchill, depending on cloud cover. He's a poor excuse of a rotten human being, through and through.
I'm hoping for the cloud cover.
This cold, it hurts when you breathe in, so I also tried to hold my breath, while I crunch!crunch!crunch!


  1. Oh my goodness. BRRRR! It doesn't get that cold here, usually not even below zero, but I know that cold, crunchy sound and it must be even more cold and crunchy where you are. That shot really tells the story of how cold it is.

  2. brrrrr brrrrrr brrrr! and I thought it was cold here!! Please stay bundled up!!

  3. Amazing what noiseware can do. and I can't fathom those temperatures.

  4. you poor girl...I don't think I would leave the house all winter with those temps, brrrrr is right

  5. Oh....I am flashing back in my mind to when we lived in Minnesota, and I would wear a scarf over my mouth when I was out. The condensation from my breath would freeze on the scarf. I feel your pain. Sending you warm thoughts of fireplaces and hot chocolate, and a nice snuggly quilt.

  6. Holy coldness batman! I really like the crunch sound myself. And I do like it when it's just bitter cold w/blue sky - for about ten minutes. Then I'm done and want some warmth.

    I had to go find my snuggie just looking at your photo.

  7. It looks COLD! I love what a difference the noise reducer makes.
    I noticed you are from N. Dakota. My mom was born in ZAP near Beulah. small world.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!