She's great at removing the body parts . . .

. . . but I don't think she'd be good at stitching things up.

. . . but I bet she'd be awesome at removing stitches!
Thanks for the well wishes yesterday as we worried about Baby Ruby's Big Girl operation. Not surprisingly, it went well, but it's still hard to see her uncomfortable, and the idea of "keeping her quiet" till her stitches come out seems almost delusional!
I was thinking about her today (amid my Benadryl buzz) hoping everything went well and she was cooperating with the "quiet time" post-op.
I'm glad to see the recovery is progressing normally. I know I hated having stitches, so I can imagine she's not comfortable either. Poor baby!
That platypus is a seriously cute toy!
Glad that things went well, and also glad to see dog toys last as long at your house as they do at mine! So cute. :)
Good to see her on the mend :) I don't know if I can say the same for the platypus!
She is so sweet - hope her recovery is fast!
Hope Ruby is all healed up quickly... love that toy! :)
Ruby is so cute! It looks like she coming right along.
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