Tuesday, February 12, 2013

North Dakota: Always January Never Spring

Winter is just so frickin' LONG around here! I vote, we end it now!


  1. Yup. It kinda looks like that around here as well. I just came back from Miami (went to see my godmother). It was 75 lovely degrees and the sky was so blue it hurt. (Sigh) Winter is just too frickin' long around here as well . . .

  2. I don't mind the winter generally, but it is long here in Montana too. And I understand you guys just got slammed with a storm (at least the eastern part of ND did.

  3. I will vote with you! I want Spring!! Great shot!

  4. Hopefully spring will come soon for you. I love the photo of the snow surrounded shed.

  5. Well, we don't have the snow, but it rains, rains, and then it rains. Did I mention it rains here? Yes I vote, no more winter.

  6. I'm conflicted about seasons.

    I actually enjoy a break from growing season and a chance for the weeds to die back, so I am able to start again the next spring, with new resolve to stay on top of the gardening this year ( yeah, sure).

    And I can enjoy crisp, bright winter days but, weeks of interminable grey, grey, and brown days begin to wear on me and icy sidewalks and streets that make getting out and around so difficult are no fun either.

    But even then, if you look hard, enough you can sometimes find something ( like the bright red berries or rose hips in your photo), to cheer you up.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!