Sunday, February 10, 2013

Snow? It's Not ALL Bad. . . .

It's been a rough weekend, around the country for snow events. But some don't think it's all that bad. . . at least, not Ruby!

But Doug's not so sure he agrees with Ruby.


  1. Well, it certainly makes things look pretty and covers a lot of muddy yucky stuff, so yeah, from a purely visual standpoint snow is great but, from a got to get out and get there standpoint, not such fun...still that's winter up here and I confess I do like having four season's so best not to complain too much about the snow.

  2. Love the first one, good capture of the dog in action!

  3. I love the first shot. And we here are saying prayers of thanksgiving for the snow here - our economy depends on it both for the winter sports and for crops and fire prevention. So, here we want to bring it on. I'm sorry for those who are harmed by it, for sure, but location makes all the difference in perspective on the snow.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!