Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Fun Never Stops on a Road Trip with Robert & Barb!

Oh, no. . . the fun never stops! Not with hotspots like Forney, TX! Sadly, we weren't there to partake of the festivities during the Jackrabbit Stampede.

Just imagine how Robert might have behaved during such a festival!


Nicki said...

That is one BIG Jackrabbit. How does a community come up with a Rackrabbit Stampede festival? Were they over run with rabbits years back and decided to make the best of it and serve cotton candy and candied apples? I often wondered the same for the many festivals held in WV - many for labels the towns are not essentially noted for.

Barb said...

Bob is the fun one. He plays right into the hands of the camera. Imagine living with him. :)

Maria said...

I don't remember personally seeing Robert grinning so wide! I have frequently seen his quiet smile, but this full-blown smile is new to me!

Jeanne said...

He sure looks like a fun guy! Love his shirt!

Reds said...

LOL - What is there to do in that festival??!!