And now for a well deserved belly rub:

The Beautiful Ms.Bonnie, having just finished reading Colum McCann's "Let the Great World Spin," says that her head is still spinning, almost as fast as her tail.
She says that some books have great characters but limp plots; some have wonderful plot, but dull characters. It's the rare, delicious book that has both great plot AND character.
"Let the Great World Spin" completely slides out of this categorization into a completely different realm; It has ten or so complex characters, each intertwined around the unfolding of events of one single day, August, 1974, in New York City. But the main character of the plot IS this snapshot of New York City on this day in 1974.
It's the day when a tightrope walker, Phillippe Petit, walks a trajectory between the Twin Towers. It's the orbit knitted together through the likes of Claire, who loses her son in Viet Nam, or Tillie, the hooker grandmother who tries to save her heroine-addicted daughter from another stint in jail.
The devastating stories of these people propel them to near-despair, but only as you approach the end of the book do you realize how masterfully MCann paints the picture of their orbit, bound by hope, connection, and compassion. You may think you've finished the book when it ends, but as you find your mind wandering back to it in the days to come, you realize you yourself have come to be within the gravitational pull of this novel.
The Beautiful Ms. Bonnie gave "Let the Great World Spin" only 4 stars out of 5 because there are some parts of the book that drag. It is well worth sticking with the book anyway, but those are the moments in which she found it easy to be distracted and focused more on the mechanics of what it was the author was trying to accomplish, rather than being absorbed in the novel itself. But 4 out of 5 ain't bad!
I tell you, doggies are pure entertainment! Cute pics!
LOL, I love the blur you captured from the speed of little Ms. Bonnie's roll! What a nice intro to the review. :)
Love the belly rub!
Well I'm dizzy - bet Ms. Bonnie is too. Fun captures.
These are so fun! I love the belly rub!
lol, Ms Bonnie is definately a ham, huh? What a good doggy! And great captures by you!
I love Bonnie's book reviews! And I love how she rolls! ;)
Gosh, I'm so impressed (and jealous!) of all the reading you do. I don't seem to find as much time for it as I'd like. I barely have the energy to keep up with the news and blog. More and more, books act as a sleeping pill for me - the moment I pick one up, I'm out! I miss the days when I was home with the boys and could read 4-5 books a week! At least, it'll be something to look forward to when I retire!
Great review, 4 out of 5 stars - sounds worth adding it to my list. Great spinning shots of Bonnie!
love the movement you captured in these :)
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