Guess the name of these succulents, which I bought at the Gardening Saturday program yesterday:

You're right! It's a Cruassula 'Pellucida "B" Variegated'
And you're right about the second one too! It
is called: Crassula Iycopodioides 'Variegeated Watch Chain'! You're really good at this!

Succulents have long been one of my favorite types of plants. . . . and they don't tend to exactly thrive naturally in North Dakota! (Although I do have some sedum in my yard, which remind me a lot of succulents).
Whatever it's called it sure is pretty.
Do they bloom? These are pretty. I stopped getting succulents long time ago when my husband left all I had behind at a house we had sold. I think he was trying to tell me he didn't particularly like that type of plant.
Lovelovelove that last one! So cool!
Guess what? Sedum is a type of succulent!!! I love sedum too, but it doesn't grow well here in south Florida! I am a succulent lover also...
That second one looks kind of like cactus or a peice of coral. Very cool!
I'm not crazy about succulents, but the top one is pretty with its pink-edged leaves. I also like the name. Can you say Crassula Pellucida fast ten times? Crassula Pellucida . . . Crassula Pellucida . . . Crassula Pellucida . . . :-)
Love the second plant!!!
Well, these are very interesting looking. I'm not a huge fan of these myself, but you have found some lovely specimens. ENJOY them!
Cool shots... of plants I have never seen!! ;)
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