I hope the tornadoes stop soon.
But all was not sweetness and light in Grand Forks. It seems that my house is being attacked by these evil birds:

Don't be fooled by their cuteness. They have been systematically dismantling the frame around my kitchen window! WTH!!!! I don't believe "mi casa es su casa" when it comes to being an avian woodchipper trying to tunnel into my kitchen.

Anyone knows what these Alfred Hitchcock wannabes are? And how I can discourage them?
I have no idea what they are, but they sure are cute! Even if they are tearing your window frame apart. ;)
Don't know what they are, but they do seem to have an evil look in their eyes like they're out to get you! ;)
They look evil, don't they! Hope you figure out a solution.
Great captures of the criminals!
They look so innocent and sweet!! :)
I have never seen that bird before...must be specific to Grand Forks and your house! LOL They are beautiful to look at, but I'm sorry they are attacking your house.
Hope you figure it out soon.
What great captures - rather pretty birds - but to actually dismantle your window frame - eek! We have a cedar house, so I hope they don't make their way south.
Angela, that is a Cedar Waxwing. Sorry he is attacking your window frame... Around here they travel in flocks. If you see one, there's a big group also; they usually go after berries on the trees. Nice shots, though. His markings do make him look evil and masked!
Well, I don't know what kind they are, or how to discourage them, but they sound very evil!! Maybe you can spray something (bug spray?)around the window frame that will discourage them from tearing apart the wood . . . or put some kind of adhesive?! Good luck!
What a pretty bird sorry they are invading your home. Scary thing those tornadoes.
Funny, I live about 20 minutes from where The Birds was filmed (Bodega Bay). :) Great shots of the attack bird! :)
p.s. You're four degrees warmer than me right now! Yesterday and today are really cool, this weekend should be low 80's...too hot for me! My perfect temp is 72 degrees. :)
That is a cool looking bird. Sorry, no advice on how to get rid of them, though....
Hello, Angela-
It's quite odd, really, that Cedar Waxwings are pecking at your window frames. They're not territorial (like woodpeckers or cardinals) so they're not marking territory. They're largely nomadic fruit-eaters, eating just someinsects in spring. I'd be concerned that there's something chewing on your window frames (carpenter ants, or something like that) that they're interested in eating in your warm spring-like weather.
Putting up owl emblems might help (as your DNR dept. suggested), but I'd take a really close look at your window frames and other parts of your house to see if there's evidence of insect wood-boring activity.
You might just have an odd bunch of bored cedar waxwings, too, but that doesn't seem so likely to me!
Cedar Waxwings. One of my favorite birds; don't they hang out in North Dakota even through the winter? I grew up with them; watched them in the "evergreen" hedges just outside the living room window. I remember them from the time I was five (5) years old and had chickenpox.
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