I don't know what to think. My bubble is burst; my illusions are destroyed. Will there be a morning after?
I find myself looking suspiciously at ShameWow:(, and suspecting that there's Actual Evil inherent in its spongey yellowness.
I combed my recent photos, and think I've found further evidence of its Nefarious Influence. Look at these two, perfectly fine, sweet, intelligent, upstanding individuals, who would normally give you the shirt (ShameWow:() off their backs:

ShameWow:( turned them into Vicious Hounds, tearing at each other, tooth and claw, to win the Precious ShameWow:(. Oh, the horror of it all!
Why, oh why did I not listen to Dylan the ShameWow:( Detector (and son of Sheila)? He was right, all along, about Vince.
Excuse me, now. I have to stop writing. And go wash my hands. :( :( :(
Oh, and the GOOD NEWS is that although the river is now at 49.5 feet, we still seem to be doing fine in Grand Forks, ND!!!! Hooray! We should have our first crest soon, and then apparently a second crest later this month. But I know it's going to be tough on Fargo, once they assess their damage.
I am giggling like crazy. :-D
Oh, this just keeps getting better and better!!! I needed a good laugh :-D. Dry thoughts!!
LOL. Is it bad that I don't know what a ShamWow is?
Oh my! Who knew?!
Don't do a search on YouTube for shamwow. DO.NOT.
Hilarious story! I love the "fighting" shot.
LOL! This is too funny!
Hmmm, I don't know what a shamwow is either!
Okay, I've must have come in during the middle of a story because I'm very confused! lol!
How fun! Your words rocked tonight, I so enjoyed myself.
ROFL,, you crack me up! Great shot as well! Oh but who won?
HAHAHAHA....oh my goodness...you have me almost peeing in my pants. What a riot. I just adore your sham wow love! Remember, its not the product's fault. Its still a good sham wow, right? I love the photo, and I am so happy to hear about the river too!
LOL - funny!
Yikes! I thought you knew! Oh I am so sorry to crush your adoration. Remember it's not fair to blame the "kids" for the "adults'" mistakes. Sham Wow is obviously a perfectly good product, it's the promoter that is evil! LOL
Such a funny post...you are too good.
Hope you all will continue to be spared....
Too funny!
Suspected as much - that brazen 'in-your-face' yellowness .... too funny! (oh, and I love that you have willing subjects at hand to illustrate.) hahaha.......
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