Obey all signs!
The river has now declined to 44.79 feet, from last week's high point of 49.5 feet.
Isn't it great when you've got good friends who get into serving as "scouts" for you to spot photo opportunities?

My wonderful friend, Sheila, told me that she'd seen these signs now peeking out of the water, as she went over the Kennedy Bridge.

The Kennedy Bridge is still the only open bridge between Grand Forks and East Grand Forks. Sheila drove back and forth, (unbelievably patiently!) while I tried to get shots of the signs in the water.

We'll have another crest in a week or so, and then hopefully return to normal.
I like that Sheila. I still think about the photos of her with the ShamWow. It's been fascinating to watch the water journal of N.D. Good grief! It's hard to imagine.
By the way, I like this color background for the blog. It seems easier on the eye.
Holy smokes! I hate to see sludge that is left behind when the water recedes.
Wow, that is a LOT of water! craziness!
How nice to have a spotter!! I'd sure like to have someone like that. I love it when you get road signs like that...and glad to know your water is going down!
I can't even imagine that amount of water. Very cool of Sheila to drive you back and forth.
Wow, even though the level is down, that's still pretty darn high! Cool photos.
OMG that is soo much water! WOW! You've captured some good shots of it all!
Great shots, lets keep praying it will not go back up too much more!
Wow that was alot more flooding then we had.
What a great friend you have in Sheila. :) That is a ton of water!
I love the first one of the stop sign. Hopefully the water goes down soon!
Thanks, Sheila for being so sweet and helpful to Angela! These photos are terrific, amazing and a little scary to think how high the water still is. We like that you can SEE signs now, though.
Let's hope the worst is over!!
I like the yellow background better than the black...if you are at all interested in my opinion. If not...do what makes your heart sing.
LOVE the Stop sign shot. You do have a true friend in Sheila - despite her tryst with ShamWow - she is a keeper!
Wow! That is unbelievable! Hope everything is okay at your home! Makes for good pictures :)
Wow! That is unbelievable! Hope everything is okay at your home! Makes for good pictures :)
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