But right now, I am a distraught mother, and I am NOT happy with the Navy. Scott called me on Friday and said that he has been "loaned" (abandoned) to the army; he got orders to leave for one month of state-side training, 2 months training in Kuwait, and a year in Afghanistan. I don't know that there's been a weekend that I've cried as much as this past weekend!
On Saturday, he called and said (glimmer of hope!) that it was unclear whether he was training as the "alternate" or the "primary." One definitely goes; one waits in the wing, like an understudy, I guess. I'm praying that he's not the primary, but this doesn't feel quite right, because I don't want to be hoping that some other son or daughter goes.
This is a very hard thing to wrap my mind around. Who raises a child and wants that they be plucked out by fate to face the horrors of war? It's one thing to raise a child to send them off to whatever crazy kind of life they might carve out for themselves; it's another to see them go off to a situation where you know there's a less than bearable chance you might not see them again, or that they won't come back healthy and whole.
The Beautiful Ms. Bonnie is not happy with this either, but says it's time to read "Mom's Field Guide" by Sandy Doell. I have a feeling this will be much better preparation than another book I picked up and thumbed through in the bookstore, which I don't even care to write about at this moment.

And this, from another world and dimension (St. Olaf College) is one of their many beautiful, peaceful, areas on campus.

I'm sorry you are an emotional wreck right now. This is definetely not something a mother should go through, ever. Prayers that he will be kept safe.
So sorry to hear you're going through some tough times... Keeping you and your son in my thoughts.
I can't even imagine what you're going through right now. :( My brother leaves for Afghanistan next month (his third time going to the Middle East) and I know we're all going to be holding our breath until he comes home again. Your family will be in my thoughts.
Oh I can't imagine having to go through this. I will be hoping he doesn't have to go and stays safe if he does. HUGS.
Hi Bonnie!
Sorry for your situation - I have often empathized with parents with children in the military. As always, prayers for all in our military and for their safe returns.
Oh man I am so sorry you are dealing with this.
Big, big cyber hugs being sent for you!!! I will pray for you and for your son!!!
Angela...I am infintely sorry you are going through this right now. I know it must be difficult for you...I can't imagine. Mike and I have said to our kids from the start (I know...we are brain washing them early) that they can do ANYTHING they want, except join the military or be prostitutes. I would even be ok with strippers if it meant they would not have to see the awful side of the human spirit that allows wards to take place.
My heart is with you right now...and I am hugging you from afar.
Oh Angela - so sorry you are feeling so sad! Must be so hard to see your kid go off in war territory. ((((((Hugs)))))
Oh sweetie I feel for you. That is so scary, one of my friends is going to Afghanistan next week. I will keep your family in my prayers.
Oh, I can't imagine what you are going through. I pray he doesn't get deployed and his experience will be a positive one.
Angela, I am so sorry to hear of what is happening with your family right now. It's so hard!
I'm sending you lots of hugs and good thoughts to give you strength to get through this difficult time.
While no one wants this to happen, I'm feeling a surge of pride that your son is willing to fight the fight for his country (politics aside). What an honorable man he is! You have MUCH to be proud of.
I'm sorry you're going through this, I can't even imagine. I'll be praying for you and your family. ((( )))
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