First there was the deer that smashed through my church windows. (Very ugly and messy. And my attitude about the Bambi-Bamboozlers really did change as person after person in my neck of the woods was taken down by sweet appearing deer smashing through their windshields. Seriously. I grew up in the Chicago area, and we didn't view rodents as pleasant Disney-esque buddies. Deer are like rodents, only bigger.)
And then there were the Cedar Waxwings, looking beautiful, (but masked), and eating my house. (They're gone now.) And the dead squirrel in my driveway, which I'm not CERTAIN had to do with the Waxwings, (and I did so appreciate the duck that showed up to stand watch after that.) (Ok. Ducks are on the "good" list.)
Enough with the preamble. Wouldn't you like to chomp on a nice, bright, yellow tulip bulb? MMMMM, tasty!!!! Feel free to just take one bite, --and most definitely, leave the stem.
The prize:

Bunnies eat tulips? Maybe I should be glad we can't grow them. ;)
Your yellow tulips are beautiful!
LOL! I agree - little Thumper needs to Go back to the woods with Bambi for terrorizing your beautiful tulips.
LOL, your post had me laughing. Maybe I can come snag your bunny...I want one so bad! Don't ask why..I just do! Sorry he was eating your tulips...they are gorgeous, so yellow and crisp!
In south Texas, the deer are a bigger nuisance (eating foliage) than the jackrabbits.
The deer here have been jumping my garden fence and eating my lettuces and spinach and strawberries. They've been on the patio eating the newly planted marigolds. I still they they're cute! =)
Beautiful tulip shot!
Glad you got a picture of those beautiful tulips - chances are they aren't long for this world with bunnies and deer. I had some plants by my lamp post one year that mysteriously one morning were sheered straight across (and cleanly I might add). Boy did my husband get chewed out for weed-eating a bit too close to the plants. Turns out, it was the deer!! Apparently we were not the only house with appetizing flowers. They might be cute - but man-o-man are they annoying.
What a cute little bunny, it wouldn't eat your flowers! I had no idea bunnies eat tulips. :)
Oh boy, if it's not being buried under mounds of snow, now you have adorable looking, but not so nice, wildlife to contend with. Maybe they are scrounging for something other than white! Those tulips are beautiful and must look oh so appetizing to them!
Thanks for the giggle at your expense!
I hope your tulips survived? They are lovely and you captured them so well.
It is too cute!!! Too bad your tulips are getting a beating!
Hahaha...what a bad bunny. They are naughty, but I had no idea that they would eat tuplips! WOW. He is cute though...I love bunnies, and tulips. It would be a toss up for me.
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