I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that my dear, sweet, husband, Doug, is a serious Nut Case. While visiting my relatives in Chicago, Doug hopped on Bill's electric cart (he has 2 of them, for his parents), and zoomed down the middle of the street.

Oh, wait. Maybe not so nuts; it seemed I hopped on the blue one, and circled around the block, (with my camera in hand, of course.) And we played chicken in the middle of the street.

But it's really Bill that's a crazy guy. Because he set the whole scheme in motion, sending Doug off on the red one, and then TELLING me that Doug was on the cart, did I want the blue one? Whoever could resist that?

This is my brother-in-law, Bill. In the background, to the left, is my youngest sister, Laurie. Thank you, David, for graduating high school this year, and giving the older generation a chance to act up!
What?? No drag racing? Please tell me that you didn't just putter around, but floored those babies!
Those carts look like fun. I wish I had one.
LOL! That is great! Thanks for sharing:)
Shawna (shawkrem)
Those cart pics are hysterical. And I seriously laughed at the playing chicken comment!!
I love your sense of fun and playfulness. I can just picture you two playing chicken. LOL
Lovely shot up your bil's nose, by the way...snort!
Drag racing!! LOL - you guys are too funny!
I dare anyone to stay off one of those. My mom had a scooter and then the 'swivel around scooter chair from the Scooter Store' and no one - I mean NO ONE, could resist taking a ride. Bet the neighbors were thinking - "great,as if the teenager skate boarders weren't bad enough, now we have geriatric street scooters" - you guys are a hoot! (not saying you all are old or anything)
Looks like you had a blast. So who won the game of chicken? Such fun photos.
Looks like you all had a lot of fun! My mom used to take care of a lady that had one and my sisters and I always looked forward to a 'spin' around the complex. :)
It makes life so much fun right? So who won the game of chicken ;)
They don't call them Rascals for nothin' ;)
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