We spent the weekend with Brian in Minneapolis, and Dianna at St. Olaf's College. She's just finishing her third year, and Doug and I were part of that annual ritual of transporting college belongings hither and yon. Fortunately, this year's ventures did NOT involve stairs! (And that makes me want do do the happy-dance!)

That is a cool, very geometric staircase:)
Very cool angle, I really like it!
LOL! Awesome shot! Glad you didn't have to carry anything up and down it!
Cool angles! I wouldn't even think to photograph that! Nice job.
Very nice capture! Great lines!
Wow...this is a great perspective of the stairs. You have a fantastic eye for this type of thing!
Oh wow - would not want to move anything (including myself) up and down those stairs (as I sit here with a bum knee from weekend gardening). Nice POV shots.
Oy, that would be a lot of stairs to carry a mini-fridge up and down.
I can't believe you're hating on that cute little bunny rabbit. :-D
Oh yeah stairs are my enemy when I have to walk them. They make for such a cool leading photo though!
Very cool steps. :)
Great leading (jagged) lines! So happy you didn't have to haul stuff up/down those! :)
Fotos maravilhosas!
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