Sunday, May 17, 2009

Steps Toward Graduation at St. Olaf

We spent the weekend with Brian in Minneapolis, and Dianna at St. Olaf's College. She's just finishing her third year, and Doug and I were part of that annual ritual of transporting college belongings hither and yon. Fortunately, this year's ventures did NOT involve stairs! (And that makes me want do do the happy-dance!)


Anonymous said...

That is a cool, very geometric staircase:)

Vanessa said...

Very cool angle, I really like it!

Amy said...

LOL! Awesome shot! Glad you didn't have to carry anything up and down it!

Esther said...

Cool angles! I wouldn't even think to photograph that! Nice job.

Sharon said...

Very nice capture! Great lines!

Jeanne said...

Wow...this is a great perspective of the stairs. You have a fantastic eye for this type of thing!

Nicki said...

Oh wow - would not want to move anything (including myself) up and down those stairs (as I sit here with a bum knee from weekend gardening). Nice POV shots.

Becky said...

Oy, that would be a lot of stairs to carry a mini-fridge up and down.
I can't believe you're hating on that cute little bunny rabbit. :-D

Bobbi said...

Oh yeah stairs are my enemy when I have to walk them. They make for such a cool leading photo though!

Shanna Jones said...

Very cool steps. :)

Amy said...

Great leading (jagged) lines! So happy you didn't have to haul stuff up/down those! :)


Fotos maravilhosas!