You know the expression that if you get a new hammer, then everything looks like a nail? Well, I've been playing with my SB800 flash and using it on
everything. I got it for Christmas, but really hadn't spent a lot of time with it until recently. Today I learned how to attach the SD800 to the SB800---that's the little compartment that adds a 5th AA battery to the flash, and causes the unit to recharge much, much faster.

This plant is an airplane plant--basically, a spider plant with curly leaves. I really like the curvy metal hanging basket that it's in. I have this hanging in my bay window to help block the ugly, ugly Hitch 'n Go that's outside our window. Hopefully, this plant will get much larger soon. It's replacing a spider plant that just couldn't handle my inconsistent attention, although it did wonderfully shield us from Hitch 'n Go for about 10 years.

When we bought our house, the realtor told us that the commercial property was required to put up a fence, and that would be happening soon. Yeah. Right. So our neighbors are Hitch 'n Go, and Happy Joe's Pizza. Doug and I are worse than plants; we establish roots, and then just don't change anything. So we've lived in this house for 25 years. With Hitch 'n Go and Happy Joe's noise. We've had the same two vehicles for 13 and 11 years. And if and when we have to give them up, we'll. . . . well. . . . cry.
I'd say your practice with your flash is paying off because you're doing a great job with it.
I'm lucky enough that the only eyesores outside my windows are my own. :-D
My DH is a Battlestar Galactica geek, I mean fan, also. He has a crush on Boomer.
You're doing awesome with your flash! I wouldn't have guessed that you even used it! Great job!
I love your spider plant, i have some too!
doing great with the flash! Bought mine for Christmas too and haven't used it since... :(
youre doing great with you flash, and im sorry about your fence situation
Great flash work! I'm too scared to buy one. My mother grew spider plants when I grew up - I have lots of memories knocking those plants over on the floor. Yours nice and secure in that hanger.
Great job with your flash! And I wouldn't mind living next a pizza place but my rear end sure would!
great pictures! I love the DOF and am jealous at how well it seems you have mastered your new flash.
I love your spider plant. My brother gave me one and said it was the perfect plant for me because it was impossible to kill. It only lasted a month. :(
Great work with the flash, I like that plant too! :)
I have an iPod Touch that was a Christmas gift in 2007. It has been tempermental since it was about 6 months old or so, but I didn't live near an Apple store so I put up with it. It's been getting worse (and if my fave toy breaks I'll be devastated), since I'm only 10 minutes away from the store now I took it in today. The guy looked it up and said the warranty expired last November, but since I seem very trustworthy and honest (in telling him it's been messing up for a while), he ignored the warranty and gave me a brand-new one! I've had some not-so-pleasant things happen lately and was wondering what else could go this one stroke of kindness, I feel so much better. :)
p.s. Allyson says thank you!!!
I like the curly leaves. You did a great job capturing them!
Your flash work is inspiring because I really do need to get mine out and play some more. I am too lazy to attach it to my camera sometimes. I just love your plant, and I can totally understand about making roots. Mike and I are that way too. I don't plan on ever moving again actually. I will just add on to this house forever. :)
I need more practice with my flash to. So keep sending the things you learn my way to! Your doing awesome with yours!
Great pictures. I love the little story that you shared with them. I don't like change much (came from my parents). But after I got married, I moved every 6 months for the first 4 years and got use to change. I still don't like it :)
You are doing great with your flash. Like others have side, I would guess it was natural light.
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