But here's where I live . . . as the city tops off the dikes along the river, adding protection against the spring flooding.

We seem to be doing fine, holding our own against the potential flooding, although our neighbors 90 miles to the south in Fargo, ND, are being much more challenged. After the 1997 flood that devastated our city, we built a pretty extensive dike system; Fargo doesn't have this, and are desperately filling sand bags.
If the river tops the dike system, not even ShamWow! will be up to this! But speaking of ShamWow!, I'm sure it's been on all your minds lately. And I have a progress report giving it an A+ (unlike the grade the Shameless ShamWow! detractor might give it!) My husband opened his van door in our garage this past weekend, and out rolled, and broke, a bottle of red wine. (He doesn't normally drive around with a van filled with bottles of rolling around wine, but sometimes things just happen . . .) Anyway, ShamWow! sprung into action and sopped that whole gloppy mess up! We celebrated--not with a bottle of wine--but by giving the sweet little darling a bath and laying it out to dry. I should have taken a photo of it in action, but ShamWow was just to anxious too please and strut its stuff for us, that the mess was vanquished before I had a chance to grab my camera.
Als, someone asked about yesterday's photo and ISO. I used my 50 1.4 lens at f/1.4 and ISO 800. The fact that there were so many neon lights really helped to illuminate the shot, although it was still a little tricky not getting the light blown out, and losing all the detail in the shadows. A little tweaking in Camera Raw really helped!
Love the first shot. Hope the flooding doesn't affect you.
Eek, I can't believe you still have SNOW! I definitely want to live in a tropical climate in my next life too... this winter thing is for the birds! LOL
I bet that is such a shocker to be in two totally different climates within days of each other!!!
Nice shot of the house on the lake. Okay now I really need to appreciate the SW only now were under extreme fire danger because lack of snow and water.
Welll, I love the snow but the beach isn't bad either. Hope you guys don't get any flooding, how scary.
I was wondering about the flooding after watching the news...glad to hear you are north of the crest. And, glad to hear a good report on the ShamWow! I've been wondering. Maybe Consumer Reports could use you in their testing department.
Water is such a force, not to be trifled with. I would love to live on a house boat, in a nice quiet lake. ;)
I loved you shamwow! story. lol
I heard about the flooding toite.. I pray all stay safe an out of harm..
These photos really tell a story and I love that!!!
Your line about the Shamwow not handling the flood waters cracked me up. :-D Seriously though I hope everyone stays safe.
Remind me when you come over to show you my Cuban mop. You've never seen the like. I use a product made in Germany that looks, feels and absorbs like the ShamWow, but without the fancy name. I love those cloths.
I'll take the warm over the snow anyday! The first shot is so picturesque. I hope you don't have any flooding!
That's a cool little lake house! And so happy to have an update on your Shamwow. :)
I totally know what you mean about climates. I TOTALLY am going to live in some place warm in my next life too. (preferably with a beach, and a cold beverage in my hand) I really am praying for you guys and this flooding.
I am so glad to hear about the SHAMWOW too. I watched that the other day...and it looked so amazing.
I truly hope you don't have a problem with flooding. Love your photos and the ShamWow story...you have such a way with words.
I just signed up for Jessica's Photo Editing class...maybe I'll have a little bit of working knowledge about what it is you talk about when it comes to your photos...other than they look great! Wish me luck!
Glad Shamwow did the job!! ;) Glad the flooding hasn't reach you!
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