I used Scott Kelby's 7 point system in editing this photo combined with a little skin tone correction. So many options. . . so little time. The photo was, of course, not taken in ND, but in Texas earlier this month.
I am so, so worried about Fargo, ND. Mandatory evacuation has started for portions of the area. We live in a challenging area: the river flows north, and sandbagging sometimes has to occur during snowstorms, with issues of ice jams. It would help so, so much if it would stop snowing! Grand Forks is still seeming safe, but all day, I've heard the anxiety level creep up in everyone; half of it is PTSD. We're hearing the sounds, and announcements, and seeing images that bring back devastating, life-altering memories. Most of us are still paying off loans from the 1997 repairs to our homes, but it's the sounds of the sirens and earth-moving equipment that are seared in our memories.
I have to say that I am so totally impressed with the under-30 year olds. (Of course there are older volunteers as well.) But the outpouring of heroic effort among the college-aged and high school-aged is very moving. Many of these people were too young to sandbag during the '97 flood, but grew up with memories of that year, and stories about it. And they are volunteering, with their youthful muscles, with a vengeance! And they are being heroic! We have buses running around the clock from Grand Forks, ND to Fargo, ND (70 miles south) to help with the flood fight efforts. Today, the University of ND, in Grand Forks, canceled all classes until Tuesday, to help with sandbagging, whether in Fargo, or in the necessary areas of Grand Forks. In Grand Forks, we're trying really hard to keep the one remaining east-west bridge open.
The Red River flows north, so the water that leaves Fargo will eventually come here, and we keep hoping that the National Weather Service will stop raising their predicted crest level. Part of the problem for us in Grand Forks is that in '97, the prediction kept rising, with very little warning (hours) that we needed to evacuate, after being reassured "if your house floods, the whole city will flood." And the whole city flooded. So it's a little difficult to feel completely settled with the reassurances now that we'll be ok. As long as our new, improved, super-duper dike system holds, we really should be ok, though. It's just agonizing to see another community go through this problem. Technology has certainly changed,though in 12 years! Everything from flood-cams on the river to cell phones, all of which help with the efforts.
I thought about getting photos of the river both yesterday and today, and both days, after driving around, I just couldn't do it. But isn't the smiling faces of my brother, Robert, and Doug much better anyway?
That sounds so stressful. Positive thoughts and prayers are coming to you from Maine, Angela! I like the happy photo of you guys.
I've been thinking about you all day as I've been following the news. I concur with Becky: Positive thoughts and prayers to you from us in Chicago.
Your floods made our news out here in Seattle. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way....
What a stressful time, I do hope the snow stops and there is no flooding.
Great shot! There's a cactus point for each of you. :)
How scary! I'll keep everyone in my thoughts.
I have been very shocked reading your last couple of posts. I hope you and your loved ones are kept safe and you don't have to go through what you did in 1997.
I will keep your part of the world in my prayers.
You'll be fine...I just have a feeling.
Such a stressful time! Hope the water stays put.
What a fun shot of your brother and you. Sending you prayers this morning for sure. I dont like what they are reporting. Keep us usdated however you can.
Oh goodness! What a stressful time for you. I truly hope that all the dire predictions will not come true. Will be thinking good and positive thoughts for you!
The picture is great...where does one find out about the 7 Point System? I suppose I could Google it...To me that cactus looks like it is directing you on where to stand and will turn around and tell the photographer (Barb?) okay...shoot! LOL
Still thinking and praying for you and your community. I like that you are focusing on the happiness in the photo.
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