Well, it IS March, after all. We got back to Grand Forks last night, and this morning's forecast for tomorrow, Tuesday, is "No travel advised. The northern side of a "Colorado low" is expected to bring 6 to 12 inches of snow and strong winds and wind chills getting down as low as 42 degrees below zero across much of eastern North Dakota by early Wenesday. Travel may become nearly impossible and will be dangerous, and Tuesday is expected to "white out" at times." *sigh* Can't wait.

And this is what we just left. 86 degrees. Warmth. Sunshine. Green things. Non-frozen water.

Can you guess which location is more likely to be featured in my photos over the next few days? The white place, or the green place?
Oh man--you're getting some of what we've been having, and it is still snowing this morning. This is SUCH unusual weather for Settle this time of year--usually it is inches and inches of rain.
Love the San Antonio shot--I remember being there and the whole place is so interesting. Can't wait to see more and soak up some vicarious sun.
Lovely shot of San Antonio! I definitely suspect green pictures over the next several days. I hope that snow doesn't make it here....
I bet we'll be seeing more of the green, I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in store! That river shot is really pretty. :)
What a nice view! You've framed it beautifully.
Great shots; what a difference! Those are really beautiful captures.
Oh suuuurreee, blame it on Colorado! LOL I guess I shouldn't share that we had record breaking warmth last week...in the 70s! (but the scenery was brown, not pretty like your photo).
I am thinking you just might try to figure out a way to get the white stuff to look more green? Heck you can do anything in Photoshop, right?! (sorry, I'm a bit punchy after a poor night's sleep on the couch with a sick 7 year old).
Can't wait to see the sites you saw in the GREEN and unfrozen place!
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