Have you been following Battlestar Gallactica??? There's only 3 episodes left, when it's all suppose to make sense, and I both can't wait, and am already grieving that the series will end. It's a complicated Science Fiction soap opera with battles and betrayals in relationship, and identity crisis, and political intrigue, and religious philosophy/existential meaning-making and plenty of cliff-hangers to keep you on the edge of your seat. I've gotten lost enough in the series to have to consult salon.com's very nice synopsis and cliff notes (but don't look into this if you plan on starting the series; too many spoilers!). Bonnie certainly knows what she's barking about with this recommendation.

But think about how seriously sad it is that these "Rules" are operating in our society these days! Not horrible rules in themselves, but it's not in balance for ourselves and our daughters. I mean, no one should get bonus points for trying to be ugly, for pushing people down stairs, or stapling themselves to the couch, or doing everything with no effort whatsoever. But I think there's a lot of pressure on young girls (especially) to stay tightly within these Rules, and underlying fears that "no one will love me," if they don't. Well, hopefully we can try to raise our daughters (and ourselves as adults) to know that it's even more important that they care enough about themselves, value themselves and know that they shouldn't have to earn basic respect, to stand up for themselves and question the rigidity of these rules.
So let's all go out and color outside the lines today! Bonnie says we should. . .
Great capture. TFS!
Again, a great shot. Love the doggie book recommendations. And I hear you about the "Rules" for girls. It's a rough world out there for girls these days. (And their moms!)
Bonnie looks so lovable!
Fun shot! I've never seen BattleStar Galactica, I thought it was an old show, didn't realize it was current. :)
What a well-read dog. I was seriously into the original Battlestar Galactica, and just could NOT watch the neew version. Starbuck?? A WOMAN??? I am sure that Glen L. Larson (the originator of BG) is rolling in his grave.
Omgoodness... my HD LOVES that show and makes me watch it with him. I admit to liking it, but not loving it. I do like Starbuck.
What an adorable dog! And the only "Starbucks" I know anything about it is on my street corner. ;)
Aww, she is so cute! I haven't seen Battlestar Galactica either, it does sound intriguing!
LOL! Your dog is very smart! I haven't ever watched the show, but it sounds like a fun one!
What a great expression! She looks like the book contains all secrets of the world; or at least a cookie! :)
I love BattleStar Galactica! I missed last season because I got rid of cable so now I have to wait for it from Netflix. I never saw the old one so the casting didn't bother me at all.
LOVE LOVE your doggy book recomendations! eventhough i havent imersed myself in a good book in about 7 years
Great shot!
Great shot, very sharp and bright!
Hahaha...I love that doggy so much. I am not much a battle star fan, but since she suggested it, I might have to try.
Bonnie is a great book critic! Love her take on things!! ;)
here here! The expectation for young girls (and I mean YOUNG)is to be unrealistically thin, beautiful, smart,(but not too smart), powerful (but not always - because then its just bitchy), as well as have all the 'old school' "June Cleaverish" home skills. Tough assignment.
Wonderful pic of Bonnie and I'm glad to see she is also well read. TFS!
Great post. I have NO idea what the new Battlestar Galactica is about, I only watched the original series long long ago. But I agree with your comments about the Rules. Too much pressure on today's girls. Great picture!
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